counter Gaming Research Weblog: Undergound Slots [policy report]

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Undergound Slots [policy report]

The Abell Foundation of Maryland recently published the report "Underground Video Gambling: Still in Violation of the Law, and Still Thriving" (2007, January) which follows up on their original publication entitled "Underground Video Gambling Industry Costing Maryland More Than $15 Million Annually In Uncollected Taxes" (2006, January).

The new report chronicals what has taken place as a result of the release of the original report. It appears that the authorities are cracking down somewhat on these so-called "vending machines" but real change might only happen if slot machine gambling is legalized in Maryland. The reason given is because, "...the state would be more inclined to pressure local jurisdictions to eliminate the illegal machines to avoid competition with legal slots."


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