counter Gaming Research Weblog: December 2004

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Queensland [Australia] -- Research Reports Page

The Research Publications page of Government of Queensland's Responsible Gaming web site lists a number of interesting reports... two of the most recent being on the Operational Machine Gaming Sites in the State.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Toronto Star -- Gambling Series

The Toronto Star newspaper is running a series (Saturday, Dec. 18th - Tuesday, Dec. 21st) of articles related to gambling in a series called "Ontario's Big Gamble."

Friday, December 17, 2004

Research Reveals Newsletter -- Issue 1, Volume 4

The Alberta Gaming Research Institute's Research Reveals newsletter -- Issue 1, Volume 4 has been posted online. It contains a feature article on Dr. Shawn Currie's development of empirically-derived "low-risk" gambling guidelines and brief details of the six new projects funded by the Institute in 2004-05.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The International Conference on Problem Gambling and Co-occurring Disorders [Presentations]

Virtually all presentations from the International Conference on Problem Gambling and Co-occurring Disorders (2004, October) have been posted online.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Charitable and Nonprofit Gambling in Washington State [Report]

The Washington State Gambling Commission funded the report "Charitable and Nonprofit Gambling in Washington State" (2004, September) in order to investigate the decline in State gambling revenues generated by the charitable/nonprofit segment... while gambling revenues overall have increased in the State.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Casinos in Alberta

And now for a little more shameless self-promotion... I've put together a fair bit of information on casino gambling in the Province of Alberta (including the origins, details on the "charity model" of casino gambling, allocation of revenues, listing of facilities, etc.). The title of the report is "Casinos in Alberta" (2004, December).

Monday, December 13, 2004

Journal of Gambling Studies (Winter 2004)

The Winter 2004 issue of the Journal of Gambling Studies is available online to subscribers.

Articles included:

* Impulsiveness, Locus of Control, Motivation and Problem Gambling

* Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gambling

* Gambling Participation and Social Support Among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Community Study

* Changes in Suicide and Divorce in New Casino Jurisdictions

* The Relationship of Ecological and Geographic Factors to Gambling Behavior and Pathology

Friday, December 10, 2004

Interim Reports on Mental Health & Addiction [Canada Senate]

"Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction: Interim Report of The Standing Senate Committee On Social Affairs, Science And Technology" (2004, November) includes three reports headed by Canadian Senator Michael Kirby.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Midwest Problem Gambling Conference Presentations [2004]

2004 Conference Presentations from the Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse can be accessed online. There are several presentations on various demographic groups which might be of particular interest (e.g. older adults, African Americans, etc.).

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

NASPL 2004 - Presentations

A selection of presentations from NASPL 2004 in Quebec City (October) are available online. Most of the presentations have an industry focus. NASPL stands for the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A Mania Called Horse: What is the new heroin? What isn't?

In the December 6th Reason article titled "A Mania Called Horse What is the new heroin? What isn't?" the author reviews what he terms the "hysteria industry" and how pornography, gambling, fast food, caffiene, and even cheese have been compared to crack cocaine and/or heroin.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Analysis of Expanding Slot Gaming in California

The report Expanding slot machine gaming in California: A business analysis (2004, October) by Hooke & Firey examines several possible market designs that California could adopt to expand casino-style slot machine gaming and enhance state revenue.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Gaming Research & Review Journal - New Issue

Issue 2, Volume 8 of the Gaming Research & Review Journal [UNLV] is available online to those at Institution's subscribing to this publication. Articles included:

  • Casino Atmospherics from a Customer's Perspective: A Re-Examination
  • Assessing Discount Policies and Practices in the Casino Industry
  • Chinese Casino Gambling Behaviors: Risk Taking in Casinos vs. Investments
  • Las Vegas Locals as Gamblers and Hosts to Visiting Friends and Family: Characteristics and Gaming Behavior
  • The Spread of Gaming Education
  • A Special Look at Indian Gaming

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Three Final Reports from the OPGRC

The Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC) has posted three recently completed final reports on its web site. They are: 1) Identification of Genetic Risk Factors for Pathological Gambling; 2) Personality and Cognitive Vulnerability in Problem Gambling; and 3) Gambling and Problem Gambling Among Older Adults in Ontario.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Wager Article on Brief Gambling Treatment

Today's Wager article "Do the Effects Hold?:Brief Gambling Treatment – Beyond the 12-Month Follow-up" (2004, December 1) describes a study by Hodgins et al. at the University of Calgary. This study showed that people with gambling problems assigned to a workbook and motivational interviewing intervention reported slightly better outcomes at a 24-month follow-up than those given only the workbook.